Anna – Age 4

Anna Trent, Age 4
In 2017, Liz Huber, CAST’s Founder, took her daughters to their first round of ISR lessons. Here they met a little boy named Ben, and his mom. The two families were surface friendly during daily lessons, but when lessons ended, they parted ways and honestly, Liz forgot about them. Until a year later, when Liz was in training to become an instructor, and that same mom walked in with Ben and a baby in a carrier wearing a rainbow onesie. That day, Liz learned her name was Katie Trent, and her daughter, Anna, had drowned on Fathers Day, June 19, 2016. Remarkably, this is the exact same day that Liz’s youngest daughter was born.
When Katie became aware of Liz’s passion for the mission she opened up and asked the question that she’d been wanting to ask since day one, “How did you get to learn about these lessons before losing a child, while I am only here because my daughter is gone?” That question solidified CAST’s promise that even when sessions were fully booked, education was still needed.
At CAST, we believe in educating our students and their families as well as those on our waitlist waiting for lessons and any other families we can reach. We are so excited to partner with the Trents and the newly founded 4 ANNA Foundation as we endeavor to get information, education, strategies, lesson access and scholarships to more families, and know that together we can impact the world in Anna’s memory.
CAST’s thanks The 4 ANNA Foundation for generously supporting their self-rescue swim lessons scholarship fund.