As an acronym, CAST stands for Creating Aquatic Safety Teams. At CAST, we believe in putting a team effort and support system behind self-rescue swim lesson instructors and their swim families. Working as a team allows us to ensure every lesson experience is highly effective both in assuring skills in the water and education out of the water.  

Metaphorically, CAST has a few connotations and goes well beyond the in-water experience. We are “CASTing” a wide net to ensure our messages about water safety reach as many families as possible. We also believe that we are the CAST in a story worth telling. Culturally, our society has often pushed fun, games, and comfort in the water before true skills and understanding of a very unforgiving environment. As a result, drowning remains the leading cause of death for children 1-4. We believe it is everyone’s responsibility to take a part in changing conversations and impacting change. What ROLE will you play in our shared mission to prevent childhood drowning and create safer swimmers sooner? We encourage you to take a role, join our CAST and be a part of this story. Together we will save and enrich lives.  

*In 2017, as a self-rescue instructor, CAST’s founder Liz Huber created the Chicago Area Seal Team (CAST Infant Swim). Liz quickly realized that true widespread and lasting impact would be more probable with a team approach and non-profit support. The belief that we can accomplish more together is core to everything we do at CAST. Meet our Team.

CASTing Call!

We are calling all parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, neighbors swim coaches, public pool owners, pediatricians, nurses, first responders, teachers, coaches, park districts, and communities to be a part of the change. Join us!